Dear Moderator;

Hello and Welcome Moderator to my, Sam Arrandale's, Blogger. Hope you enjoy reading through my posts as much as I did making it. I spent much time creating these posts so I hope they interest you. It all started in September 2011 and the finale (final piece) is top of the page. Thank you and Goodbye.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Research and Planning: Completed College Magazine Front Cover


  1. I like the colours that you have used on your magazine as they are bright and grab my attention straight away.
    I think that you should put a background colour to your magazine instead of just plain white.

  2. The use of colour and font of your college magazine cover is very eye-catching and would definitely encourage people to pick up and buy your magazine.

    You could have possibly outlined the word 'Buzz' to make it easier to read against the white background

  3. I think that your magazine has a great college vibe to it. You have included a lot of information of what is included in the magazine. I think that you could have made your text bolder make it stand out.

  4. I really like how you've followed the 3 colour rule and used bright colours, it looks good. I also like how you've used two people in the medium close up, it makes it more unique. I think to improve it you could make the yellow text a little darker because I cant really read your text above your masthead. Overall, i really like it :D

  5. I like the content featured here, I think it is very suitable to a college magazine, as well as being enticing to read.

    I dislike the colour scheme, I think it looks girly. Also, the text is very difficult to read, so I don't like the font.

  6. I like this cover as it is very bright and stands out. You have kept a consistent house style and the fonts are the same with only using two of them. I think you could improve it by adding more background or colour on the white space as it makes it look quite plain.

  7. i really like your cover because its full of detail and the text and images used are clear to see.
    the cover and contents page are both very eye catching but maybe you could of put a background colour
