Dear Moderator;

Hello and Welcome Moderator to my, Sam Arrandale's, Blogger. Hope you enjoy reading through my posts as much as I did making it. I spent much time creating these posts so I hope they interest you. It all started in September 2011 and the finale (final piece) is top of the page. Thank you and Goodbye.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Research and Planning: Shot Types

Research and Planning: College Magazine Analysis

In my magazine, I feel my fonts are the correct size. However the house style (the colour/font) is different on the Front Cover and on the Contents page due to me forgetting what the colour numbers and the font names were called. When I do my final Magazine, I will use this as a learning curve and will write down the fonts and colour numbers down the the house style is continuous throughout.

My magazine follows the three colour rule because I used Purple, Yellow and Dark Purple. I used these colours because in my market research I found out these were the most popular colours the students gave.

You can tell that the contents and front cover page belong to the same magazine, but they look like their from different issues because of the colour number situation I mentioned before. In different issues, magazines usually use a different colour but remain the same house style.

I definitely think the photographs are well-taken and appropriate. On the front cover, the two-shot medium close-up of the two college students really show they're part of college (the props and clothing they have). The images on the contents page are more based on the surroundings of the college which I feel are beneficial to show what is inside the college.

I think there are appropriate stories and articles inside my magazine, however I feel I could have been more formal and helpful towards the education side of college rather than news/gossip/fun stuff about college.

Research and Planning: Completed College Magazine Contents Page

Research and Planning: Completed College Magazine Front Cover

Thursday 22 September 2011

Research and Planning: College magazine contents page to date

Research and Planning: Practice Fonts

These are practice fonts I did.

Research and Planning: Audience Research 4

With the last interview we found that this student would like Exam Test Papers in the Magazine, this was a fresh idea that would be taken on board when designing my final College Magazine Contents.

The target audience for my College Magazine is for both genders aged 16-18 year olds college students at Hyde Clarendon 6th form,  doing the A Levels or Vocational courses.

Monday 19 September 2011

Research and Planning: College magazine to date

This is my magazine to date, hope you love it.

Research and Planning: Audience Research 3


Favourite colour? Purple
Favourite part of college?  Socializing
Would pay £1 for a College Magazine
Interests outside of college? Socialising
Enjoys College because its new
Would like stuff that's happening in College to feature in the Magazine
(knows the muffin man)

Friday 16 September 2011

Research and Planning: Audience Research 2

Favorite Colour: Purple
Favorite part of College: Canteen
Would pay £1 for a College Magazine
Interests outside of College: Partying and Manchester United
Doesn't enjoy College
Would buy a College Magazine
Would like 'anything and everything' to feature in the magazine

Research and Planning: Audience Research

Favorite colour for the font: Red
Favorite part of college: Home Time
Interests outside of College: Games and Sport
Likes College
Would like to feature relevant stuff ''Relevance is always the key''

Thursday 15 September 2011

Research and Planning: medium close-up examples

Research and Planning: College Magazine Analysis

I can tell this is a College Magazine by the codes and conventions used. The whole house style and layout is very well presented which shows it is a formal magazine. The masthead is titled 'College Lifestyle' and is written in a very neat way, with 'College' being the biggest text. The colour of the text is a Lime Green which in my perspective represents 'Go' as in green for go. The picture is of the student placed medium shot, his body language and facial expressions show confidence and happiness. He is using props such as books and a bag to really show the College Lifestyle making it more reliable. To make the magazine more appealing to the target audience they have introduced articles such as 'Why We Love Blackberry' and 'Thank God Its Friday's' to make it more appealing and shows what you can do outside of college as well as inside college.

Research and Planning: Introduction to InDesign

This is my first time on InDesign, I have learnt how to edit text to fit the screen, add a background, add text and change the font.

Monday 12 September 2011

Research and Planning: Photoshop Challenge

1) I clicked on fie and new
2) I clicked on the text tool and edited the text
3) I highlighted the text and changed the colour, then dragged it to the center by the move tool
4) For the background I used the paint bucket tool
5) I gave it a drop shadow by selecting the Styles button and on the drop shadow button
6) I used a picture of Bob Marley to go under my text, cut him out using the polygonal lasso tool
7) I changed the hair colour by the brush tool
8) I put a border round by going to Layer, Layer Style then Stroke

Friday 9 September 2011

Thursday 8 September 2011

Research and Planning: Introduction to Photoshop

Today was my first attempt at Photoshop, we created a CD cover. I used:
- The cutting tool
- The magic wand
- The colour adjuster
- The background adjuster (I made it blurry)