Dear Moderator;

Hello and Welcome Moderator to my, Sam Arrandale's, Blogger. Hope you enjoy reading through my posts as much as I did making it. I spent much time creating these posts so I hope they interest you. It all started in September 2011 and the finale (final piece) is top of the page. Thank you and Goodbye.

Friday 23 March 2012

Evaluation Question Seven: Looking Back At Your Preliminary Task, What Do You Feel You Have Learnt In The Progression From It To The Full Product?

Evaluation Question Six: What Have You Learnt About Technologies In The Process of Constructing Your Product?

I have used blogger to show my process through researching music magazines, through my production I posted my under construction pieces to blogger and also uploaded my final magazine pieces.

I used Prezi to pitch my Music Magazine idea.

I used Flickr to say how I would distribute my Magazine for my evaluation.

SLR Camera-
I used an SLR camera to take my pictures for my Magazine, which was great because it made it look more professional looking and made it easier to edit in Photoshop.

I used iShowU in my Research and Planning AND my Evaluation to highlight and point out what I've done.
I have used blogger to show my process through researching music magazines, through my production I posted my under construction pieces to blogger and also uploaded my final magazine pieces.

I used Prezi to pitch my Music Magazine idea.

I used Flickr to say how I would distribute my Magazine for my evaluation.

SLR Camera-
I used an SLR camera to take my pictures for my Magazine, which was great because it made it look more professional looking and made it easier to edit in Photoshop.

I used iShowU in my Research and Planning AND my Evaluation to highlight and point out what I've done.

Sunday 18 March 2012

Evaluation Question Four: Drawing of Target Audience

This is my Target Audience because they are wearing similar clothes to the models which shows they look up to the artists they are fans of. I made the character look as if he's quite laid back and cool because that's how I feel my Target Audience would be represented as.

Friday 16 March 2012

Music Magazine Re-Draft after Pier Reviews

Evaluation: Question 2 - Artist Lookalike

Posture/Gesture- Both of the images are similar in posture and gesture. In the images the models posture is very striking and confident, as well as the gesture representing them as Diva like. The striking/confident gesture makes the models look bold and in your face as if they're making a statement, very much what I wanted to present in my magazine.

Angle- The angle is slightly tilted up, giving it a slight low angle. I wanted to make my images low angle because it makes the model look superior. It makes the audience feel as if they are looking up to the artists.

Shot Type- The shot types used are a medium close-up. I feel this gives the audience more of a connection to the artists. I wanted it to feel like that because it would also make the audience more interested in the interview with the artist. You have to represent the artist as them connecting to their existing fans.

Lighting- The lighting is pretty similar.  I used upper lighting, very much like the picture of Beyonce, to emphasize the models features. Doing this makes models look even more attractive. However, the lighting on my image is pretty gray washed which edited on Photoshop to make more brighter and contrasted to make my model more toned.

Costume- The costume on both models is very simple and basic. The colour isn't loud and expressive, instead more darker colours (blacks) faced with gold jewellery. This is because R&B artists are more expressive through themselves rather than their costume, because although the costume isn't loud and doesn't scream confident - the models do. The models costumes both don't seem key to the images, which is what I wanted to portray because its all about the artist.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Evaluation: Question 1- Use, Develop, Challenge. Contents Page

Model Placement-
I thought the placement and size of the model on Vibe Magazine looked very slick and looked well organized. I decided to place my model at the same size and place knowing it would look effective due to Vibe Magazine's use of it. The pose and posture is very different from the actual models, however the editing and placement I used.
Background Letter-
I really liked the idea of the first initial of the Masthead being placed on the page like in Vibe Magazine in a huge font in the background, so decided to use it in my magazine. The use of this is effective because it uses space (erasing blank space) but doesn't make it too busy and loud. In a way I kind of developed this by changing the colour and placing, however I knew I would use it even before constructing my magazine so I feel it was used more than developed.

Title Design-
I enjoyed the placing of the Title in Vibe Magazine as it really stood out, however I wanted to develop this into my own flavour and style. I developed it by instead of using misplaced text, I used it in a singular line going across the top. I made the 'C' bigger, because due to the effect of the 'V' on Vibe Magazine I felt it would look better and would stand out more.

Coloured Picture-
Vibe Magazine used a very near Black and White image on their contents page, making the page very dim and moody in a slick way. Although it looked good, I didn't want to use that so I made my image more contrasted and brightened by using Photoshop. I feel like doing this as a challenge was effective because it looks more suitable in my magazine whereas if I made it Black and White it may have looked pretty dull and wouldn't have been as I wanted to portray the page to be like.
The costume is also challenge. Kanye (Vibe Magazine) is wearing a very smart and fashionable suit, this is because as well as being a Music Magazine it is also a Fashion Magazine. However, in my Magazine I wanted my model to look very stereotypical of a Rap artist (Cap, baggy clothes, big coat etc) to show it is for the music and the artist, not the fashion. Kanye's look is very stylized and looks as if someone has told him to wear these clothes, whereas I wanted it to look like my models natural clothing and what he would actually wear and feel comfortable wearing because that's how I wanted to portray the models in my Magazine.

Friday 2 March 2012

Evaluation: Question 1- Use, Develop, Challenge. Double Page Spread

Image Placement-
Through my research I found out that most R&B magazines use a big picture spread over one page. I like this look so decided to use it in mine.

Quote from Interview-
I also seen that R&B magazines use enlarged quotes from their interview to highlight certain bits of the interview. I developed this by using my own text and playing around with the sizes and colour.

Artist Name/Opening Paragraph-
I felt that because the main article from the magazine is about the artist, I felt I should make the artist name huge on the double page spread to make it more extravagant. I also came up with a paragraph underneath to go with the artist.